So tonight I was texting my friend and told her something I do not tell many people. I said did you see that look on the spouse’s faces right before the notification. The look where they all held their breath. That is the look I have every morning as I sneak in my living room without turning on lights and peek out my window to make sure there are no government cars on my street. That way I know.
Today I want to encourage you to take a minute and think about what would happen if something happened to your spouse, what would happen if he was injured. Are you prepared? Do you have your paperwork (passports) up to date? Have you spoken to your family about what is important to you? Have you spoken to your spouse about what he would want? You see I thought I knew what my husband would want until I spoke with him. It was a hard conversation to have but a needed one.
On another note is your family prepared if you get sick. Do you know who could help you with your kids if you became ill? Do you have a list of medications you and your children are on? Do you have a calendar of events that they could use? Many of you do not know this but 5 years ago my water broke at 26 weeks and I was placed in the hospital. I was in the hospital for over 5 weeks. I was very lucky that my mother in law was able to come and help out and that my husband was not deployed. But it really made us think about what is important. It also made me very aware that I need to have a ongoing list ready for a babysitter and a list of people I trust to take care of my children.
Good wonderful amazing Monday. This week I thought I would take a minute to ask you if you have gone a marriage retreat or a family retreat through the chapel on your post. They are amazing weekends. They will really help you bond with your spouse. You do not have to attend a chapel to attend. Contact your units Chaplain and ask about them. The amazing thing about these weekends are, that they are FREE, or at least have been for us.
My question this week is when is the last time you were alone with your spouse and if so what did you do?
Army Wives and Greys Anatomy are my favorite shows. I haven't missed a single episode of either. I remember getting my battle buddy hooked during our husband's deployments and I would literally spend days at her house watching Greys or Army Wives on DVD from the Redstone Library.
As for preparations even though it was my first deployment I was pretty much fully prepared for ALMOST anything that might pop up (except totaling my car) I mean we sat down and he explained how the general order of things was going to go to the best of his ability, He did the POA's some here some at Ft Riley (cause he thought a General was enough), He made a schedule full of activities to keep Skylar and I busy. I knew what he wanted if something happened to him Cremation or if killed in Combat to be in the National Cemetery near my moms farm. I am realizing its rare or maybe its just the new baby soldiers that have a hard time with making sure all the right paper work is in place before they leave for an extended period of time. As for something happening to me? No I totally panic at the thought! Even when I was in the hospital having William I was scared of Rick and James taking care of Skylar for three days. Thankfully Skylar spent 90% of the time at the hospital only leaving to go to bed. I would hope my friends and neighbors would help some. Maybe my church can show me just how big a big church can be.
We have been on two Military Marriage Retreats. We went to the one in Panama City Beach Florida in July of 2007 moments before he went to training and the one in Town Creek AL right before he retired. I will miss them! The last time I was home with my husband was driving to a Marriage Therapy appointment last week. If that doesn't count it was on our Anniversary when he took me to the Melting Pot.
Hi, I found your blog on this blog hop! I totally get it! I have had this converstaion with my husband. I know to some it just sounds morbid but after it I felt comforted kowing how he felt about things and how he wanted them handled. Thanks for this post
I also took the course and oh, I remember the whole relief when there was no knock at the door waking my up. It was a double edged sword though...for most of the deployment I was pregnant but had no kids yet (on the "outside") and I worked from home so I could stay up late. I remember thinking how something could have happened and I wouldn't know until morning.
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