It might have something to do with the new puppy who keeps me on my toes. You know the puppy that broke my scentsy burner. I glued it together again. Then a couple of days later I was rubbing on the puppy and I noticed she had something in her fur. Can you guess what it was? Look closely at this picture and tell me what you do not see.

This week I have had a cold or allergies or something going on. It has made me extremely tired. This means we have had a lot more days where we just laid under blankets and relaxed.

Right before Christmas, my hero bought us tablets. It came with a very thin case and I could not wait to make a nicer one. So today I made one using quilting material. I still need to put a button on them. I wish I knew how to make them reversible so that I did not need to make two.

I did make Faith a skirt this week. I am going to try to take a better picture later. I just put a elastic top in it. I love this material. I used the 40% off coupon from hobby lobby on it. I took the scrap and let her use it as a scarf. I am definitely going back to buy more of this material.

Love the skirt you made! Sorry about your Scentsy burner!
have a good week.
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