Thursday, March 14, 2013

Feeling Beachie

This week’s statements: 1. My first car was a __chevy chevette, gray old but ran great___ 2. My_time in the car__ is so __crazy considering I have 6 kids at home and a house to run.__ 3. I would drop everything to _spend time with my husband alone, oh how I miss our alone time.____ 4. I never tell people I once__wanted a sister wife, can you imagine it would be like a personal assistant. Maybe I would get one who likes to clean house.__ Pamela Did you see my Return to Nim's Island give away. You can enter right here.


Relyn said...

How funny! My first car was also a Chevette. It was cream colored and the chrome was always coming off the sides.

Jennifer Smith said...

Nothing wrong with wanting a sister wife. :)

Claudia Willison said...

One on one time with hubby is one of the best things!

hilary said...

I can understand #4 - when my mom comes to visit, i feel like I have a wife, and I like it

Arlene said...

I think you should definitely find a way to have alone time with your hubby, at least once a month. It's good for the marriage, and sets a good example for the kids. A sister wife? Hmm,


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