Friday, October 11, 2013

Feeling Beachie at 4am

The statements are: ` I get so _upset____ when __I hear soldiers being fussed at by other soldiers, I want to turn into momma bear and protect them. Have you seen these young little soldiers, they look like kids. I cannot believe my husband was ever one of those little kids. ____ Pumpkin____ is my favorite _food___ for _fall and winter, I have a million recipes and cannot stop making them. One day I will get around to posting them all. ____ I would rather have dirty floors___than clean all day and take time away from my kids___to make my life easier The one safety rule that is always followed at my house is _wear a helmet even if you are on a tricycle__because_my brother was hit by a car twice and twice he was not wearing a helmet. My children will never have a uncle and it breaks my heart. I cannot imagine what he would have brought to my childrens life. ___ I just have to take a minute and tell you that I woke up at 4am in a panic that I had not posted yet. And what does the mother of a new born do at 4am. She jumps out of bed and writes a blog post between feedings. And on cue just as I am done writing this a precious little blessing is telling me it has been 10 minutes since he ate. Pamela


Judy said...

I agree with you on the helmet and starting with their first bike. Get into the habit as early as possible.

Lisa Arrington said...

I'm so sorry about your brother.

hilary said...

oh man - sorry for added pressure....

Brooke Bumgardner said...

So sorry about your brother. Helmets are a rule here, too!

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