Sunday, October 13, 2013

Happy Birthday Baby Girl

I love this little girl, this week she turns 8. It is hard to believe. Hard to believe that she weighed 2.12 pounds at birth and is now normal size. She is growing and thriving and a joy to be with. Okay she might be a bit spoiled and think that she is a only child but she is my child and I love her. Grace thinks she needs to go everywhere with me. She went to most of my OB appointments. She is my only child who thinks about how she looks. In these pictures we were in the lactation room at the OB office and she was showing me how her outfit matched the curtains and I should take her picture. Last year for her birthday we took friends and went to build a bear and then came back to the house for a cook out. This year she is taking friends to get mani and pedi’s and then coming back home for a cook out with all the families. Happy Birthday to my sweet baby girl! Pamela


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