Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Potty Training with a New Baby

I was once told not to make any changes when a new baby comes. That was thrown out the window when Jacob was born. You see our life is crazy busy. We have no less 6 appointments a week. So potty training has been on the back burner. My husband took time off when Jacob was born. He decided it was a great time to potty train and guess what HE WAS RIGHT! Yes, I just admitted my husband was right about something. I think James enjoys the special attention he is getting. I am enjoying that there will soon be less diapers to change. My budget is grateful for fewer diapers. On the negative note it is 3:30AM and I am awake. James did not make it to the bathroom and woke up. Poor thing, I don’t mind at all but feel bad that it woke him up. Have you done anything crazy like potty train a toddler while caring for a newborn? It can be done. Pamela


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