Saturday, February 22, 2014

Allergic to Animals

The puppy is not suppose to be upstairs, the child is suppose to be doing school but I cannot bring myself to fuss at either of them. 
  Hope is our animal lover. Can't stand to know that animals are outside in the cold right now. Will hide bugs if means mom will not kill them.
   Hope got some bad news this week. For the last couple months she has been getting rashes/blisterers. She told us it was after she loved on the cat and dog but I could not believe it. This week the doctor confirmed that she has become allergic to animals. 
  She told me mom do you know I may have to take shots for my entire life if I want to be a vetinarian. 
 So today if she needs a little extra time with her puppy then I will let her have it. Even if it means more blisters. 


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