Friday, February 14, 2014

Feeling Beachie

The statements: 1. Valentines is a scary day of the year for _all of the spouses who are still deployed, no waking up to flowers or kisses or breakfast in bed. But waking up and checking email in hopes of a message that he is safe another day. _______ 2. Since Valentines is a sign of __love____ I___made sure to have all my hubbies favorite foods like steak and strawberry cake______ 3. _Waking up ___ with _a baby in your arms___ is a great way to __start the day.___ 4. Sometimes I _go to the bathroom just to not have someone touching me___ when I _am feeling over stimulated with life. ___
Feeling Beachie


Unknown said...

Sending you love and peace on this day. I hope your husband is alright.

Hilary said...

I hide in the bathroom too...

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