Friday, February 7, 2014

Feeling Beachie

The statements: 1. Do you remember when _you had to carry the phone around the house. Which means you could never sneak and make a phone call.___ 2. I use _Doterra oils because I do not have to go to the doctor or worry about what I am putting in my body.__ 3. The best part of the day is __when I sneak downstairs at 6am leaving the baby in bed. The house is quiet and no one needs me___ 4. If I hear one more thing about _the snow ____ I am going to _scream, I just need someone to start talking about sunshine.____
Feeling Beachie


Unknown said...

I swear my kids have a tracking device implanted in me so they know exactly when I wake up. I never have time to myself!

Hilary said...

I am loving the new look!

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