Alpha –Army, apache, AIRBORNE, all the way, ammo, Afganistan, Albania
Bravo-Battalion, base, barracks, Bosnia, battle buddy, BIBLE, buses, Brigade
Charlie- commander, cooks, coalition, chaplain, company, Cac card, Chapel, Chaptered out, camel pack
Delta- DFas, DFAC, dining facility, drill sergeant, Deployments, discharged, dog tags
Echo-emergency room, enlisted, equipped,
Foxtrot- field problems, force, fighter, first sergeant, FREEDOM, formation, fork lift, first aid
Golf- God, Gun, gonorrhea (a friend said that), grenade, gate guards, gear, gate
Hotel- hostile fire, Haiti, helicopter, Helo, housing, humvee
India- investigation, interrogate, Iraq, ID
Juliet-jump school, jumping jacks, Jim Bean & Jack Daniels (says a friend)
Kilo-killing, Kosovo
Lima-lietenant, launch, leave, lonely
Mike- missile, maneuver, mail, Mypay, Marine, march
November-nautical, navy, national guard, nurse
Oscar-officer, operations, opsticle, over view, optomitry
Papa-pushups, Physical Training (
PT), POW, promotion, president, pistol, PCS, PTSD, patches, plaques
Quebec-quarter master, quarantine, quick time,
Romeo-reservist, recruiter, riffle, rack sack, retired, repel
Sierra- Sergeant, schools, Spouse, shooting, shots, Skype
Tango-tanks, target, tires, trucks, tents, tarp, TA50
Uniform- under Armor, uranium, Unit, urinalysis
Victor-veteran, volunteer, violence, Velcro
Whiskey-Warrant officer, wire, waiting, wheels
X-Ray- XO
Yankee-Yankee, yard, yoke(used to pull a fuel blivet)
Zulu-zonked out, zipper,
Awesome list! I'm glad you posted it. :) I'll work on getting it on the master list! Thanks for joining in. Better late than never!
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