It has been crazy, such a change from my set around and relax last week. We have had four appointments, not wait five appointments.
In our homeschool this week…
My son finished Math for the year, can I throw that book into a bonfire. Oh yeah wait we need it for 3 other children. He does not know this but he has lots of review work to do on this subject.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
This week we are not going anywhere but my boys just got home from a week in the mountains and I am getting ready to go get my mom at the end of the week. She is going to spend a week with me.
My favorite thing this week was…
My favorite thing this week was hugging my boys when they come home. I missed them terribly and hearing them tell stories of their trips.
What’s working/not working for us…
Our chore charts are working and I am hearing a lot less arguing and my house is staying cleaner. The kids are encouraging me to stick with them
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have…
Would it be wrong to homeschool my kindergartner and second grader together. They are so close in what they know.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
Hi! I am stopping by from the Homeschool Mother's Journal linky. Yes, You can homeschool your kindergartner and your 2nd grader together! There are so many lessons you can do together and then put 1:1 time in as well. I have a preschooler/1st grader that are at the table together alot. the preschooler has her own set of "books" and loves being at the table with the older ones. I find that I always have to do phonics/reading individually as well as math but that science and social studies and art lend themselves well to group lessons. please come by and say hello! blessings to you! God bless your family, Katie
Wow, didn't realize Micheal got so tall. Was there seriously snow in them there mountains?! Lol! The older I get the less I like snow. Evangeline would never believe that I said that, but its true.
I do a lot of homeschooling together for my 1st and 3rd grader. I just have higher expectations for the 3rd graders writing and like that. I think you could easily do your two together.
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