How did you get your engagement ring? Do you love it; did you love it the day you got it? I thought I would share with you how I got mine. I am going to tell you a secret that my husband does not know. Well since he reads my blog he will soon know, so I guess I better tell him tonight. He probably kind of knows anyways.
My husband and I lived together before we were married. Neither of us intended it. He visited me from out of town and just never left. He has never proposed (one day I have hopes of it and give him a hard time of it). As soon as he moved in we knew we would get married. So one weekend we went home to visit. I knew he was going to my favorite jewelry store that day. I knew what our budget could afford. So that day while he was visiting friends my mom and I went to that store and picked out three rings that I like. Then we convinced the woman behind the counter to push him to choose one of the three. I am controlling like that. At the time I thought this was the best thing to do. So later that day, he went shopping, and then met me back at our hotel. He walked in the room and showed me the ring box, I took the ring out of his hands and put it in my finger and we walked out the door to meet friends. I will regret that day for the rest of my life. Ephessians 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. Esther 1:20 Then when the king's edict is proclaimed throughout all his vast realm, all the women will respect their husbands, from the least to the greatest."
I have one other regret (well one of many). I decided that I would never say “obey” to my husband. I even had my minister take it out of the wedding vows. I wish someone would have shaken me back then and explained what those words meant.
In my dreams, I dream of him proposing to me. I dream of a wedding that is sincere and honest. I dream of putting God first in our marriage. We do work on that daily but I wish we would have from the beginning. How awesome would it be to re new our vows now with our children in the ceremony?
And who knows maybe a tornado would not hit during this wedding knocking out the electricity and leaving visitors stranded on the side of the road.
i so remember that day and how happy you were about it all.
No regrets- just lessons learned. :) God had his hand on the whole situation and it turned out the way it should have- maybe just a few detours along the way.
How about a new weeding?!?!? A new ring (that he picks) and new vows and no tornado... :} HEY! I think it's a great idea!!! DO IT!!! I'll send you my address for the Thank you card... :)
Tiffany @ Home Grown Families
Ive kinda of done it backwards.. had kids first and now waiting on marriage but Im grateful for it in a weird way.. Knowing now how I am I think it will be better because before I would have been very disobedient and probably turned things sour.
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