This week’s statements:
1. When I am on the phone I have to _clean, it is great because I get most of my work done while on the phone. ___
2. I have a _huge desire for a Ipad, any suggestions, should I get one.___
3. I started blogging to _stay in touch with families but it has not really worked that way._______
4. My worst habit is _talking down about myself and talking ill to myself. I need to think better of myself____
You definitely need to think better of yourself. You are a wonderful wife and mother as well as agreat blogger.
We are the hardest on ourselves but we have to remember to not beat ourselves up that is damaging. Love yourself and give yourself constructive criticism but don't beat yourself up,we all our special and have so much to offer the world around us.
I am right there with you on nos. 3 and 4, at least partially. iPad - I just got one, as a treat for starting a new full time job. All I can say is: Its fun!
I used to do #4 but stopped... if you talk yourself down, other's believe you
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