Friday, November 22, 2013

Feeling Beachie

The statements: 1. I don’t remember the last time I truly did _nothing and let my body just relax. ___ 2. Sometimes I wish video games____ were _not___ invented. I dislike how they consume my children’s brains. 3. I love when someone __helps___ you, especially when you do not ask but should have. 4. If I could I would do __reading therapy with my daughter______ all day, she is growing and thriving more than I can imagine. I just wish I could work with her for hours every day. Pamela
Feeling Beachie


Yvonne said...

Many of us have the same answer for #1. I should have put down Facebook games - they are eating away at my time. LOL

Facebook User said...

Great answers!

Here is my post

rorybore said...

I agree with the video games. I never really played them when I was young - I was outside or playing a sport. But my hubby did, so he and the boy do their bonding over the Wii. But at least he also insists on outdoor time too.

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