Friday, November 8, 2013

Feeling Beachie

This week’s statements: 1) I can’t believe that __in one month we will be leaving what we know and moving to a new place. ___ 2) To celebrate _my birthday___ I __will be scrubbing floors and cleaning walls._____ 3) The meaning of life is _relax and enjoy the ride, enjoy each minute because you are not guaranteed tomorrow. ____ 4) I can’t stand _when people put toilet paper all over the seat and then leave it for someone else to clean up. I do not want to have to put my hands where you refused to put your butt. ____ name="code-source">
border="0" src="http://¤t=followfriday_edited-2-1.jpg" target="_blank">Photobucket


Lisa Arrington said...

Good luck on the move and holy sweet tooth, cake!

hilary said...

happy birthday!

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