Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Stocking The Freezer

What makes you feel like you have had a good day. For me it is finishing school and getting things done around the house, today I was able to get caught up on laundry and finish school and most importantly I had a chance to bake. One of the things that is constantly on my mind is that I have not re stocked my freezer. So today I was able to freeze three loaves of bread and four loaves of cinnamon raisin bread. 
  Now it is time to get some dinners in the freezer. 


Courtney said...

All that bread looks delicious! I keep saying I want to make some and freeze, but it's always eaten before I can freeze it.

You know... I'm moving soon and thinking I can't wait to move into the new place and get some food stocked up in the freezer... but now as I'm just a week or so away from moving I'm thinking that maybe I should have stocked up for the move!!

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