Friday, July 5, 2013

Feeling Beachie

This week’s statements: 1. I don’t like _clutter, it seriously sends me over the edge. __ 2. I have a difficult time using _anything new, I want someone to stand beside me and teach me how to use it as I ask questions and only answer the questions I have. ___ 3. I love _documentary___ movies because _I do not have to feel guilt when I put the kids in front of the TV___ 4. I prefer to read _setting on my porch with a hot drink___because it is quiet and I can watch the animals run around the front yard and relax. Pamela


Judy said...

Reading on a porch with a drink is the BEST!

gautami said...

I hate clutter too!

Here is my post

Lisaa said...

Oh, sitting outside and watching your kids/animals play must be awesome. I'm hopefully moving somewhere where I can do that.

BocaFrau said...

I hate clutter too and I'm forever chasing it, especially with my 4 year old. She seems to make it her life's mission to make sure there is tons of clutter around for me to constantly clean!!!! :)

hilary said...

I dont like clutter either

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