Friday, July 26, 2013

Feeling Beachie

This week’s statements: 1. I don’t have a lot of _tolerance for children who feel entitled and not willing to work for things they want._____ 2. When it is a _Sunday afternoon_____ I hate when it _means I cannot take a nap and relax_____ 3. When I was little, my dream job was _to be a nun (I was not a nun) or to be a teacher_________. 4. I could write a book about _how to get up and get kids out of the house in 20 minutes or less or how to be on time for every occasion.


Claudia said...

Ooooh - I love (doing) your no. 2 as well. And I am sure there are lots of moms (and dads) who would love your tips on no. 4 :)

cathykennedy said...

Hopping from Hilary's Friday Fill-in Fun. You can actually get 6 kids out of the house in 20-minutes? You must be Superwoman. We have 3 children and it was always a struggle to get all five of us out the front door in under 2-hours time. We were always late for everything. My hat is off to you, lady! :)

Judy said...

I would love to read a book about getting out of the house in 20 minutes even without children.

hilary said...

I so agree with your number one.... but sadly it is most of the youth today - trust me - I hire a lot of kids

rorybore said...

Ohhhhhhh, I need that book. please write it. I'll probably be late to buy it...but after that: golden! :)
And yeah, #1 -- so so bugs me to no end. my son is driving me nuts for an ipod lately. he's 8. Um, no. Just no. I don't own anything that expensive, you can bet you won't.

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