Friday, August 16, 2013

Feeling Beachie

This week’s statements: 1) I hate when I _have a bad dream that involves my husband and then I wake up mad at him. ____ 2) I sometimes long for _quiet and calm and boredom____ 3) Thinking about _moving to a new post__ always makes me _anxious. I cannot imagine moving 7 kids and a dog and cat and staying in a hotel and finding a house.___ 4) My favorite day of this week so far was _not Tuesday__ because_my blood pressure was up and I ended up in labor and delivery. This stressed me out because I only went as far as triage (first step in L&D) and the sheets were stained, the soap dispenser was falling off the wall, they had no pillows and there was a lady with the stomach bug in the room with me and I had to hear her getting a internal exam. So not looking forward to delivering at this hospital.___ Pamela


Judy said...

That hospital almost wants you to deliver t home and save them the trouble.

Susi Kleiman said...

That hospital sounds horrible. Hope that the actual delivery rooms are much better. I don't like bad dreams involving family members either - always leaves me feeling sad or upset the next day!

Lisa Arrington said...

Ew. I hope it was just a busy night and they got a little behind. Got luck!

Hilary said...

I hate when your dreams make you mad at someone...

ImagesByCW | OceanDreamIllustration said...

I can imagine getting anxious moving a big family like yours :) Good luck with the hospital!

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