1. Do you collect anything? really not a knick knack kind of person. I have started collecting willow tree figurines and my hero is thrilled to have something to buy me
2. Name 3 celebrities that you find good looking. hmmm, my husband was on the news once
3. Do you have any scars? If so, what's the story behind it (them?)? okay, are you ready for this book.
foot-I think I remember being told a tool box fell on me when I was two
knee- surgery and so you know I think it is worse now than before surgery
underarm- do not laugh but in preschool they told us not to climb the fence but the boys did. can you guess who fell on the spikes and cut her arm. I did not even tell the teacher and kept the blood hidden until I got home. only a few stitches
eyeball- yep, you read that right, I got stung by a bee
back- first I have keloid scars. So what was a scratch turned into a puffy mess,
upper back, tore skin in car wreck and had to have new skin (similar to a burn victim)
shoulder- same wreck only I have scar and black road still in it
arm- same wreck, BIG scars that became keloid scars
thumb- step father got mad because I was trying to leave slammed the door on my thumb
I am sure there are more if I think about it
4. What is a food that you like to eat, but others might think it's gross or weird? are you kidding, I eat nothing exciting
5. Have you ever seen a tornado in real life? no, but we were stuck in a storage building in a amusement park as one passed. Let's just say that still scares me

Man I have so many scars too!
I also just discovered my little netbook won't let me post my link on this comment thingy, so if youd like to visit!
I'm not an exciting eater either! And I LOVE those Willow Tree figures, my mother-in-law started me collecting them and I just think they are so cute and classic. They can covey such cool moments too, we actually had a Willow Tree cake topper on our wedding cake!
Oh man your scars sound painful. I found myself cringing as I was reading about them. I hope you post about how you guys like the Cap'n Crunch chicken strips!
Ha! Your answer to the celebrity question is too funny! Good for you.
That is because he reads my blog and he has not seen me in months. haha
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