Dear Rob,
I am excited and sad to tell you we without kittens. The person who took the orange one yesterday called back and said her mom wanted the striped one. I feel relieved that it is done. No more worries.
We had a good time today. We went to church and had potluck after church. There was a TON of people there and that is a wonderful site.
We came home and I straightened the kitchen and folded laundry. Then tried to take a nap but Hope would have nothing to do with that. I even turned on Hannah Montana hoping that would help. I made Grace take a nap because she was C-R-A-N-K-Y. She woke up happy as can be.
I took Michael to youth tonight. He had a great time and the girls and I played on the playground. There was a wonderful breeze. It was nice to let them out to play.

We came home and put away laundry and re straightened rooms. Just as we were relaxing the phone rang. It was the lady who picked up the orange kitten yesterday. She said her mom wanted the striped one. I am glad she is gone and they seemed beyond nice to me. But I have to admit that I was not going to hang anymore signs and just enjoy the kitten. Do not laugh but I am worried momma cat will be engorged now.
Thank you for calling today. It made my day. I feel like we have really gotten closer recently. I have to be honest and say that I was worried about us when you first left. Worried because I knew I was pulling away from you. Partly out of protection and partly because I was just being lazy. I do not want to be lazy. I want to work on our marriage. I want to put you first. I do not know why I make things so much more complicated than they are. You are an amazing man who would do anything for me and I need to appreciate that more. Okay change of subject.
I love you and cannot wait to talk to you. I love making plans for your reunion. I love making plans for our future.
I love you babe,
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