Dear Rob,
I love you babe and can not wait to see you, can not wait to talk without beeping noises and phone calls and the line getting cut off. I can not wait to roll over and snuggle with you.
We had a good day. The plumber came this morning and of course the toilet worked perfectly the entire time he was here. I was so annoyed. I am trying to stay positive and remind myself at least I have kept the house really clean this week.
When he left we went to the post office and thrift shop and then Wal-mart. When we got to Wal-mart there was a radio station and car dealership outside collecting school supplies. So I let the kids pick up school supplies to donate and even let Grace choose a back pack (tinkerbell of course) to donate. But when we walked outside they were gone. It is all stuff we will be able to use.
We came home and straightened up a little and Michael spent the afternoon playing his new game. Did I tell you he ended up reading the girls 40 books, doing 2 pages of mathh and running 20 laps to earn the last of his money.
I worked on our new budget for when you get home and e-mailed it to you. It will be tight but I think we can do everything. I honestly see the light at the end of the tunnel if we stick to the budget. I got our electric bill today and it was $250 which kills me because I have kept the AC at 75 and made sure everything is unplugged. I guess that is what happens when you have 3 digit temps.
Hope found 2 pictures of horses I forgot I bought her so I hung them up. I was to lazy to go get a hammer so I used this.

I also hung up a couple of pictures in the office. One day I will learn to decorate. We do not have any plans tomorrow. I need to call Bob Jones in the morning. I tried to order the kids school stuff and it would not show me the free shipping option. It looks like it is $2150 for Faith and Michael and then I still need to make sure I have everything for Hope and Grace.
Have I told you that your two oldest daughters have all but refused to sleep recently. They have taken turns staying up until midnight. I woke them both up really early this morning in hopes that I can get to bed earlier tonight. We will see, it is almost 10pm and I have not even started going to bed.
I love you babe and can not wait to have you here so I can tel you "I cold".
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