Dear Rob,
Good evening my love. We have had a great day. The man was here at 7:30 to power wash the house and clean the gutters. Michael tried to mow the grass but then said the lawn mower was smoking. I tried hard not to curse considering it is only a few months old.
I got all the laundry done and will fold it and put it away tomorow. We went to see Karate Kid today. It was really good. But honestly I kept thinking "I wonder what Will Smith thought every time his son got punched". The kids loved it. Grace even set a couple of rows down with the girls. I thought for sure when it got scarry she would come running to me but she did not.
I stopped at the movie store and rented the original Karate Kid for us to watch after church tomorow.
I love you babe and can not wait to talk to you soon.
Very nice letters!
Hope you’re having a fun summer! Stop by my blog, “Inspire!” for inspirational messages!
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