Dear Rob,
I love you and hope you had a great day. We had a good day. The repair guy did not get here until after 3pm. He did not bring a new filter so he will have to come back with a filter for the fridge. At first he said the dishwasher issue was rust. Then he smelled the rinse aid spot and said oh this is vinegar. Which is total trash but whatever, I have used vinegar forever.
We do not have any plans the rest of the week except to mail Michael’s hard drive back to BJU. Speaking of home schooling can you please call me soon? We need to talk about what exactly we are ordering. I am hoping to order by the end of the week so I can get free shipping. I am hoping to start working on school next week.
Michael is determined to get a new DS game. He needs about $6 more dollars. He read 26 books to Grace tonight. I paid him 10 cents a book. The picture is of him reading to Grace.
I love you babe, I am going to try to go to bed early again tonight. I went to bed before 9 last night but it was after 11 before Faith was asleep. I do not know what is going on with her and Hope but they are not sleeping.

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