Dear Rob,
We had a good day. It honestly started out with me crying and loosing it. I tried to fix the van seat and ended up messing up the coach seats. I lost it because I did not know who to call and what to do. I finally took a shower and relaxed. Then I decided to take the van to the little auto place that does inspections. The guy was really nice and fixed both seats for $10. So now the van is great.
We did not do allot today which is not good because that means I will be up late tomorrow cleaning. Tomorrow Michael has counseling and then we are going to the commissary and then coming home to clean up.
So I am sure you are wondering why I am sending you a picture of another man. It is because I want you to explain it to me. This was a bunch of airmen on Saturday. They were not in PT's but did have on boots. We were at the playground on post. Every time the kids would say it was hot we would point to them and remind them they were not too hot.
Fencing went well tonight. Faith did not get to fence because she could not find her tennis shoes. So I made her set on the side lines and watch. Hope was upset because she did not have anything to do at fencing and I reminded her that it is not my responsibility to entertain them. I am really working on them taking responsibility for themselves.
I love you babe and hope you can call tomorrow but if not please know I love you and am glad we have been married for 15 years.
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