Dear Rob,
I love you and miss you. It is so weird; now that I know you are coming home soon I can almost feel you. It does not seem so lonely. Kim is here tonight and tomorrow she will be with her husband. It is almost like the world is going back to where it should be. I know it sounds like I have lost my mind.
We have had a great lazy day. As much as I am ready for school, I also am enjoying our easy days. The lady came to inspect the house. She said everything looked good except we need to trim the bushes and mow the grass. She said the city would fine us. Let me just tell you it is not even ankle high. I think she was blowing smoke. If we keep it much shorter it will die. I was impressed to see that she really did walk in every room and turn on every light. She was really nice though. I already got a call about them replacing the dishwasher. Oh, I think she is annoyed that we do not have a answering machine on our home phone. She said I called yesterday but did not get a message. My thoughts were she left a message on my cell phone at 4:45pm; it was not even 24 hours so I am not stressed.
Guess what? The PX called today. They said it was a courtesy call to see how we were treated in customer service recently. I was so nice to the lady. I said I did not file a complaint but………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
She said man you handled that well and with kindness. I told her that our children were being good and that everyone was in a good mood. But that I probably would have lost it if that was not the case. She apologized a million times and told me I should have filed a complaint.
I made bread today and cookies for the cookie jar. Really I just wanted the house to smell good while the lady was here. But it did feel good to have baked goods around. I need to make laundry soap this weekend if I get a chance.
I got an e-mail saying they are beginning to decorate for the welcome home ceremonies. It is on a day I cannot go. I cannot believe it is close to you coming home.
I love you babe but I better get in bed. We have to leave for the airport at 4am. Then we are going swimming.
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