Dear Rob,
We had a good day. We went to Kim’s this afternoon. The kid’s swimmed for over a hour. It really makes me want a pool for the kids. We left the older kids home while we ran to Hancock’s. Sometimes it is nice having older kids.
We came home and Michael made 42 cupcakes and made homemade frosting. Then tonight after the girls were in bed he iced them.
We got a phone call tonight and the orange kitten is gone. So now we just have stripes. I know we said we would not name them but it is too hard. Stripe’s is the cutest and the friendliest. On the way to drop of the kitten Grace fell. She cried until she saw the blood. She refused to put a band aid on it because she wanted everyone to see the blood. I told her I would send you pictures.
So I got your math problem today and have a couple of questions. If I worked it right I love the date you will be home and well if it is the other answer I got I might lose my mind.
Tomorrow is an easy day. We have a potluck after church and then nothing else. We have leftover spaghetti so I do not even need to cook. Speaking of eating Faith had a cheese sandwich for lunch and just had spaghetti with no meat for dinner. I will not let this go on forever but if she wants to be vegetarian for a while I will allow it. I have not sent pictures the last couple of days so here are some of the dresses I have been making and Grace's new skirt. She loves it. As I make a dress I make one of the girls try it on just to make sure it fits okay.
I love you babe and hope you are having a great day and your electric is working well.

Grace cracks me up... Wanting pictures of her blood! Too funny!
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