Dear Rob,
It cracks me up how when I am overly tired I forget to put the kids in bed. It is like I am foggy headed.
I am telling you I have got to kick myself in gear. We did nothing today. I mean we did our normal chores. I iced 40 cupcakes and delivered them.
I did spend about 2 hours in my bed loving on the girls and wrestling with them. I forget to take time to do that sometimes. I also read the first 29 pages of Diary of Ann Frank to the kids.
So I keep meaning to tell you what Hope told me yesterday. She wanted something and I said no. She then told me that if I did not give it to her she would tell you I kissed another man. I have no idea where she learned that from.
Faith has a big announcement. She has decided she is vegetarian. I made tacos for dinner and she had hers without meat. I asked her what she would do if I make sausage in the morning and she said “PLEASE, PLEASE DO NOT MAKE SAUSAGE”. We will see how long she last.
Can you please tell me why I am so tired? I was up until after midnight but I slept until 6am. I honestly could not keep my eyes open all day. I asked Grace if I could take a nap and she said only if I told her where I keep my secret stash of candy. She cracked me up because she kept offering me the world if I told her my secret.
I love you babe. I am going to go get the kids in bed. I totally forgot it was Friday and thankfully so have the babies.
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