Dear Rob,
You did not call today, you better be okay or I will beat you up. Okay I am over it. I still love you but only because I want you to take me away when you get home.
I hope your days are flying by and that you are not flying anywhere. The kids and I had a good day. We straightened up this morning. The kids played in the water out back. I am scared to think what our water bill is. We probably should have just gotten a pool.
I got my box with materials to make the pillow case dresses. I got three almost done. I am hoping to finish it tomorrow.
I made banana pudding and cupcakes to take the airmen tomorrow. Can you believe I did not make enough banana pudding for our house? I am tempted to buy the stuff to make it for us tomorrow.
We do not have plans tomorrow other than to get some reading done. I have good news. Michael picked up a book at the library and has been reading it today. He chose to stop reading it today because it was about witches. I am so proud of him. I may even read The Diary of Ann Frank to him instead making him read it.
I love you babe and cannot wait to talk to you.
Stopping by to let you know I have moved to a new domain. You can see me at www.nothingbutfabulousity.com
I have numerous giveaways, polls, and contests. Here is the sad part, with my move it appears I have lost all my comments. So if you have entered into anything I actually need you to zoom back and re-comment. If you havent entered into any of them, what are you waiting for? Get your butt over there!! HA!
Site is under construction so please be patient.
Stay Fabulous
Rob, Thank you for your service. I hope you stay safe and get back to your loving wife soon!
You are always so busy :) I admire you for that. I know it isnt tough being a "single mum" when Rob is away but you always make the most of it. And your kids are great as well. Im glad that Michael could make a decision like that on his own.
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