We are home. I have so much to tell you but really I am joyfulling just hugging babies and smooching them. And re arranging clothes and making sure we have what we need. And spending a lot of time getting use to having a one year old and three year old again. Honestly now that we are home it seems so much easier. Bedtimes are so much better. We have gone from going to bed at 11 to 9-9:30. Now I just need to get myself in bed earlier.
I have wonderful friends and feel so blessed. Yesterday morning I got a call from a friend at scouts saying she had clothes for us. A few hours later a friend from church called and said her and a friend had gone shopping. So very blessed. Later a friend called and said she had a bunk bed and would drive 3.5 hours that evening to deliver it. She brought her 6 kids which is great because it was Faith’s birthday. So we had a built in birthday party.
The boys are doing great. I really expected things to be rougher than they are. Tom just woke up and said this is my house. I assured him it was and then he reminded me where his bedroom was. He is amazed at the cat and dog. He keeps asking me if this is his dog. Our dog is sleeping with him. It is so precious. He is a protective (never aggressive) dog and so I think he is protecting him. Tom does not want him sleeping with him. He is scared of the cat and dog. I just remind him that if he is nice to the cat and dog they will be nice to him.
Yesterday Jerry stood up three times out of the blue. He would be in the middle of the floor playing and then just standing there with nothing to hold on to. I do not think it will be long and he will be walking.
My husband is doing well. He is planning on coming home on Saturday. I cannot wait for him to be home and us to be able to have a few minutes to just stand and hug. I feel like with all the things going on I have not been there for him like I should. He says it is not so. But I miss just hugging him. He is so strong and such an amazing man. I do believe he is where he needs to be right now and am glad he can be. I just wish my arms stretched far enough to hug him.
I have so much I want to tell you about. I want to tell you about my homeschooling children at the funeral. Let’s just say when you teach your children that pop pal is in heaven and not there then all questions seem right. My husband said he was glad there was not a scalpel there. No worries they were not disrespectful but the funeral home employees said they felt like they taught a class.
I want to tell you about all the fun the kids had with cousins. I want to tell you how much fun my daughter’s birthday was.
I want to tell you or show you how we re-arranged our home to add 2 more blessings. And I want to tell you my children’s thoughts on new blessings.
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