Things that make me happy: my son holding a friends baby this week He is going to make a wonderful father one day. I love this boy.
Book I'm reading: Surrender by Nancy Lee Demoss
What's on my TV today: Army Wives, although honestly I should be in bed. I am exhausted
On the menu for dinner:
I have not really thought about it. I am thinking of rotisserie a chicken tomorrow night.
On my To Do List: make aprons with girls, cut coupons, run to walmart for a few things, get nails done
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
Smores muffins, I may make them in the morning
In the craft basket:
Aprons with butterflies on them, we are having a ladies tea this Saturday and are suppose to wear a apron and the theme is butterflies.
Looking forward to this week:
Being calm, we had a crazy busy week last week and I am ready to calm down. I am also looking forward to the ladies tea at church.
Tips and Tricks:
As mosquito’s come out, it is time to remember this trick. As soon as you realize you have been bit spray chloraseptic throat spray on it. It is amazing how quickly it stops itching.
My favorite blog post this week:
This week I did not have much time to write much. Hoping to have some time to set down this week and take all the notes I have stashed in my purse and turn them into blog post.
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
It is not a blog, but a Carnegie page of a soldier who was recently injured. It is breaking my heart and bringing me comfort with each update
No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):

This post is being linked to Homemaker Monday
awesome post
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