Thursday, May 9, 2013

Feeling Beachie

This week’s statements: 1. If _there was not chickens to eat__ then I would starve, seriously could eat it daily. __ 2. _Lunch time___ is my favorite time ___ of the day because my kids laugh and play together to avoid getting back to school. 3. Once, I was surprised to find myself _standing naked in front of the bathroom mirror praying. Seriously, I just needed to pray about something as I was getting out of the shower and it took several minutes to realize I was praying while naked. 4. To keep from going crazy, I _stay in the van while my husband brings the kids in, it gives me 3 minutes of quiet and when I get in the house everyone is calmed back down________. Pamela


Claudia Willison said...

Chicken - yep, that is that meat that gets eaten in this household most of the time, too. And fish. But no red meats.

Judy said...

I love chicken as well. I eat it when I am out.

hilary said...

well, at least chicken is good for you

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