Sunday, July 18, 2010

Letters to my Hero

Dear Rob,
I just want to say as much as I love you I am tired of writing you. I want you to be home just to talk to you.
We had a great day. The Amborski’s left this morning. I wish they could have stayed longer. We straightened up a little and then we went to VBS at the church around the corner. They even have a adult class so I stayed. Actually I called ahead of time to make sure they had a adult class. The kids had a great time and the adult class was nice. It let out 40 minutes early and I just had to set around and wait. That was kind of lonely. That is when I realize how alone I am. We did have one thing happen. About 20 minutes into the class they came and got me and said Grace had a accident. So I ran home and got her a change of clothes. She cried so hard she was doing the ugly cry. She was worried I would not bring her back. We will go back every night this week.
Our plans for tomorrow got cancelled so I am going to finish the dresses and hopefully get them in the mail.
I love you babe. I will try to take pictures of VBS tomorrow.


MamaM said...

Hey Pam! Just stopping by to let you know you are my Date this week! I hope you had a wonderful weekend...

alicia rasmussen said...

Sorry girly. Hang in there. Definitely not an easy thing you are doing. But you're a good mommy!

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