Tuesday, February 22, 2011

True Story Tuesday

Today I thought I would tell you a couple of quick stories. Stories of my encounters with the police, not that there are many. The first was about 18 years ago. I had moved out on my own and bought my first car. I was driving to work one day when I saw the red lights. I pulled off the side of the road and was a nervous wreck. I could not think what I had done wrong. As the policeman got out of the car I realized that my tags were expired and my new tags were in my back seat. So I turn around to reach for the tags when I heard “STOP”. Instantly I knew what a stupid move that was. He had no idea what I was reaching for. As he walked up to my door he looked in the back seat and said “mam, please have someone help you put those on today. I felt so stupid.
Several years later and four kids later I was leaving post and thought I was out of housing when I saw the lights again behind me. I honestly do not know who it was; he is not a city policeman and definitely not military police. Anyways, he pulled me over and walked up to the window and started fussing at me for speeding. I was going 30 in a 25. I explained that I was no longer in housing. He said that it technically was housing for another half a block. As he walks back to his car my daughter asked me if I was going to jail. My response was “no, he is just a rent a cop”. I instantly felt bad and apologized to my kids for not respecting authority. I was lucky the man did not hear me.
I really do respect police even if I do not agree with them.


Colleen said...

Thanks for stopping by and "relaxing" with us in the Surf this Sunday.

Hope your week is going well!

Rachel said...

ACK! I got busted the same way! First for not having my new tabs on, and then for going 35 (the speed limit) while the school zone was not in effect. Sure is scary when you see the lights behind you though!

(Glad you respect 'em... otherwise we'd have to have words, hee hee! Mr. Daddy and I are both in law enforcement! :)

Thanks for linking up!

Pam Petrie said...

I hope I remember this week, it has been fun

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