Monday, February 21, 2011

What would you do if you won the lottery

What's the first thing you would do for yourself if you won 100 million dollars? Note: this question is specifically for you...what would you do for fun after the family and the bills and the obvious stuff was taken care of?

I would move my family to a new location way out in the country. We would get a bunch of animals and plant huge gardens. Then we would hire someone to take care of them when we did not want to. I would have a mega kitchen (not fancy just big and useable). I would still homeschool only we would travel the world doing it. I would probably hire a tutor to do most of the math and spelling.
I would take time to make quilts for fun and set up a sewing room for my girls and I. I would sign my son up for fencing and my girls for gymnastics. It breaks my heart that it is not in our budget to let them do all the fun things they want.
I would spend a ton of money on research for preemies. I would donate even more money to help with the wounded warrior program.
My children and I would spend many days volunteering. Because I could pay someone to do things like clean and cook when I did not want to.
I would build a big country home with a huge wraparound porch.
Would you like to see how others would spend there money? Head over to Friend Making Monday


Brandi said...

That sounds awesome! I would love to have a huge kitchen as well. :) Fencing sounds like so much fun! I would love to put my daughter in gymnastics, dance, soccor, etc. but it is just too expensive. Especially in this little town, since there's no where else to go, no one's competing on prices, and they have to keep them high to keep in business.

Hope you have a great Monday!

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