A wonderful friend gave us a bag of feed corn. I could not wait to use it. I have wanted to make rice bags for a long time but honestly rice is not super cheap. I want to explain how to make these but have never done a tutorial before.
The first one I did I used a old hand towel and it worked great. Then I decided to use material I already had. Basicly you fold the towel in half length wise (with the pretty side on the inside). Stitch up the bottom and side. I did this twice because I knew it was going to be holding some weight. Then turn it inside out (so the pretty side is now showing). Fill with feed corn and stitch the top shut. We like to put ours in the microwave for about 2.5 minutes. I am amazed at how long they stay warm. My son actually had a friend over who had helped my husband chop wood twice so I made one for him and his little sister. I do believe this is going to be my Christmas gift for next year.
Lovely site. I am stopping by to invite you to come check out week 5 of Thrifty Thursdays. Happy New Year!
It turned out pretty and I never thought of feed corn. Once my kids and my daycare kids made them for a fathers day gift but we used a pack of tube socks, they used perm markers to decorate, we filled with rice and then tied a rubber band tightly around the top and then a ribbon over that to make it prettier. My husband still uses his years later!!!!
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