I know it is Wordless but I could not stop myself. I had to write and show you these pictures because they are wordless to me. Two years ago today I brought my baby girl home from the hospital (again). She woke up the day after Thanksgiving with a asthma attack. Twelve hours later she was in the hospital fighting to stay out of the ICU. What a amazing God we have to heal my baby girl, to heal her lunch and her stomach and to give us amazing doctors and amazing friends.
So what is my Wednesday confession. It is that for the whole time she was in the hospital I could not pray past a sentence here and there. I had to rely on my friends and family to be on there knees for me because I just could not be. It is hard for me to admitt but it is easier to get on my knees for strangers than for my own self. I am so grateful to have wonderful people in my life who prayed with Grace, over her, and for my family.
Some days you need to be wordful on Wednesdays... it's all good... :)
What a beautiful post! Thanks for sharing your heart with us today. :o) Visiting from iFellowship. Happy Wednesday! :o) Larri at Seams Inspired
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! Love, Traci @ Ordinary Inspirations: http://www.ordinaryinspiraitons.blogspot.com
What a precious little girl you have there! And you are a wonderful mommy! Sometimes all we can do it pray one sentence, one word, or nothing at all and we rely on others to carry us! That is ok! Thank you for this reminder today! I needed it!!! I am stopping by from the window blog hop. I now follow your lovely blog! Have a great day! www.livingonloveandcents.blogspot.com
God hears us, though. Even if we can only get out a sentence...or even just the word "help."
New follower here from PYHO.
You are exactly right in that sometimes when we need prayer most we have to rely on our friends and family and sometimes even complete strangers to do it for us. Somehow though, we always get through.
I look forward to reading more about you and your family's challenges and how you overcame them!
I agree with Shell, sometimes all you need to whisper is help. Thank goodness your beautiful girl is well.
Thanks for posting your Wednesday confession!
I am so sorry that your family had to go through that, I am glad she is ok!
Don't feel bad. I know when my kiddos are sick, I'm so distracted with caring for them that it's hard for me to send up a heartfelt, sincere prayer longer than a sentence or two. Glad she's strong and healthy now.
Great post, I have a hard time keeping Wordless out of Wednesday myself. Some photos are wordless but only to those that really know the story...most the time.
Thank you for stopping by the round-up. Your family is beautiful.
I'm so glad your little girl is ok. That must have been so scary. It's so hard as a parent to see your child sick.
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