2. Last New Year's Eve I went to bed early. I have this nasty habit of doing that and it drives my hero batty.
3. My New Year's resolution is to be a better mom, be more organized with my life. Too get my kids more involved in the world and to be a better wife. Oh and to cook more and learn more sewing skills.
4. The best way to spend New Year's Eve is snuggled up with my hero who still to this day rocks my world, did I just say that. Seriously how many years have we either been separated by the Army or have I gone to bed over some silly disagreement. This year that will not happen.
5. My prediction for an up-and-coming trend in 2011 is everyone will want to read my blog, I will become more dedicated to my blog readers. If you have suggestions on how I can make that happen please let me know.
6. This New Year's Eve I will hopefully be staying awake. I have a habit of falling asleep. My husband has even told the kids they get to stay up late this year. We are going to make yummy treats and homemade pizza and relax in the thought that we are together because that is not always the case.
7. A fresh start is one of my favorite things about being in the military and moving around.
I do the same, I just can't stay up until midnight anymore!
Hope you have a happy New Year!
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