I can not longer drink milk. It happened with the birth of my last child 5 years ago. It hurts my stomach for days. I know this. I can have mash potatoes and mac-n-cheese but not ice cream or a cereal with milk, no milk and cookies.
Why is this a confession because this morning I had cereal and Friday night I had ice cream. I just can not seem to break the yummy cycle.
Tomorrow is my birthday and I am making myself a cheesecake. Oh man, I should make it tonight so I can have it for breakfast. If it is pumpkin cheesecake it is okay right. Secretly I hope when I get pregnant again it will fix my body and I can have my yummy ice cream without a belly ache.
OOH another baby Petrie, how exciting ;) You're kids are so cute, and I'm sure that any future Petrie children will be too! Will keep looking in the future for the post about the next one some day. Long time reader, never commented before until now. Keep up the good work, I LOVE your blog. I've always wanted to be in the Military, and it actually makes me cry that I cannot be. Kuddos to you for being the Army Wife. You're a strong, Child of God, and incredible Mother. Keep up the good work Momma! God Bless.
Hey I wasn't able to get my confessions post up until today. So feel free to come link up this post on the linky this morning! :)
That is so sad you can't drink milk! I love milk. :)
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