2. Saturday we were getting ready to head out visit a friend. I sent my son out to start the van (I love having a teen). Everyone got dressed and coats on. If you have kids you know this is a task. My husband walked out the door and came back in telling me it was ice raining and we would not be leaving. I took the opportunity to do a little more baking. A hour later my husband looked out the window and noticed that we never turned the van off.
3. Do you twitter? I love twitter, my husband loves that I twitter. So yesterday I called him and told him this story. Let me encourage you to read it out loud. Rob, guess what you know that blog I talk to you about (MckMama), you know the one that I called you about at 11pm a few weeks ago to see if you could answer a computer question well tonight she mentioned me in her blog. I am so excited. I think the reason she did it is because yesterday she twittered that she is about to tweet her 10,000 tweet and that the person who re tweets it the fastest will win a $100 gift card. So I twittered her and said I think her 10,000 tweet should be about me. Now could you say twitter and tweeted that many times. It does not sound like that many as I write it but when I said it I felt like I was slurring my words.
4. My husband is home for Christmas and I am so excited because as a military spouse that is not always the case.
5. I hope all of my readers have a amazing Christmas? What are your plans? Will you stay home or travel?
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