Monday, November 12, 2012

My boy is 16

Today my baby boy turns 16. The boy who is the protector of our home. The boys who struggles to not try to be the boss of our home. This teen loves to fish with dad and go on boyscout camp outs. He loves to help other people and hang out with friends. He enjoys working at church. You have to feel bad for him though, since he is the biggest the kids are always climbing on him or asking to be carried. Even during family pictures he had to be on the bottom. While he does not understand his size and oftens hurts them he loves to play with his siblings. Every morning they flock to him for attention. So how does a boy who is turning 16 spend his day. All he wanted for his birthday was to go fishing with dad. ALONE- as in no little children. So that is what he is doing. We are having him a party next weekend. Pamela miscellany monday at lowercase letters


Paula Kelly-Bourque said...

What a lovely post and what a lovely son you have celebrating his birthday. I hope he enjoys his fishing trip with just his Dad and his upcoming party. Best wishes to him for a wonderful 16th year ;)

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