Thursday, May 16, 2013

Feeling Beachie

This week’s statements: 1. I can really use __a drama free day______ right now. 2. I like to _fold __ my _laundry while my husband takes the kids on a walk in the evening.____ 3. The color of the sky right now is __blue/gray. It looks like it is going to rain but it is not forecasted. ____ 4. I get annoyed __when people smoke in public (especially at playgrounds) because it is not my fault you have a smoking addiction and I should not be punished with poor lungs and stink because you cannot control yourselves. I understand it is a addition, I just ask that you keep your addition away from my asthmatic daughter. _______ Pamela


Debbie Doglady said...

I used to smoke and now the smell makes me sick. Hope you get that drama free day!

hilary said...

a drama free day sounds great!

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