Thursday, June 6, 2013

Feeling Beachie

The statements are: I love that my mom ____ has _gotten gray hair____ because now I __do not have to hear her tell me how she did not have any. ___ Sometimes I wonder how people lived without _internet___ in the past I love to get _packages___ in the mail because _it does not happen often and I know it will be something fun. __ I If I could change the temperature today to___70 degrees and sunny_________ then____I would not have had to shop with kids in the rain and wind.____________. The code is:


Judy said...

I agree rainy days are not nice for schlepping!

Claudia/ImagesByCW said...

Phew - gray hair... been battling that since I was 22... bad genes, I guess. I would go a little warmer than 70° if I could ;)

rorybore said...

we are indoors today too. 2nd day of rain. out once a week in it is enough for me. although, I don't mind gardening in the rain. keeps the bugs away.
and in exactly 25 minutes, I will not have any gray hair either.

Hilary Grossman said...

my mom got gray in her 20's and I followed in her footsteps...

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