Sunday, June 9, 2013

Miscellany Monday

This week it rained and rained and rained some more. My kids begged to go outside and play in the rain. I allowed them to finally go outside and guess what? They were not out there five minutes and that was just long enough to build a fort to stay dry under. This week I took my daughter shopping for me. The daughter who never spends money asked if she could shop. When we got home she showed me what she bought. It was all things for me. Things she knew I would enjoy including candles. I love this girl. I went out with a couple of friends this week. We had a great time. Sadly the picture we had someone take made our eyes look like we were aliens. We went to dinner and then to a coffee house for cheesecake. After that I stopped by the movie theatre to buy popcorn. Sounds silly but I love movie theatre popcorn. It was great until the manager found out I have 6 kids and then he said that this baby would “fall out of me”. I about died and so did everyone around him. My friend asked him if he was married and when he said NO. She told him that was why. Oh and in case you were wondering, that is not a beach ball in my lap. That is my baby boy growing bigger by the second. Pamela
lowercase letters


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