Rob bought Bridgette home last Friday so we could burry her in the back yard. We woke up early Saturday morning to do it. They all helped. Faith spoke about her cat and how much she loved her. It was so sad friday night we decided to stay snuggled up in the livingroom watching a movie together. Everyone would get quiet and get into the movie and then Grace would start crying. After we burried her I found Grace in my bed crying and holding the dog. She said "momma, why did we put Bridgette in that stinky hole, that is a stinky hole and she does not have food. If she was in the house we give her the food we have, why is she in that stinky hole". At one point Friday night she asked daddy, is Bridgette close by, Rob had to contain himself before making up something so she did not have to know she was in my van. Here are some other random things that were said or done the night before we burried her. When Rob got out of the van on Friday night he said he heard a cat hissing and he thought it was Bridgette, he said all he could think was pet cemetary.
Michael crying so grace cries so Michael looses it and grace looses it
Hope says she wanted Bridgette to move out of the house with her and play with her kids
Hope asking if she can have the box Bridgette is buried in to play with.
Grace thinking she is pretend dead, she said I know she really will come back, just tell her it is not pretend time anymore.
The dog going under the table and faith crying because that is bridgettes favorite spot. The cat has always layed under the coffee table so when she saw the dog under there Friday night it was too much for her.
Telling kids about how we got her, it is such a neat story. I will write about it later.
Robert having to stop for gas on the way there, I feel terrible but the vet was 45minutes away and I had already done it twice that day.
Rob saying he is putting her under the dog house so the dog does not dig her up. Then all day Saturday and Sunday Hope kept telling me there was a paw sticking out of the dirt (bridgette was in a blanket and a box), so she just knew Bridgette was coming back.