So yesterday Rob was off and I wanted to go do something. I love getting out of the house right now. Rob had made plans for the repair company to come out and fix his windshield so he had to stay home. I got annoyed I did know this so I took my aggravated self to bed. A few minutes later Hope came in and said mommy, when are we going to have our mommy and me alone time . I told her that if she brushed all the knots out of her hair I would take her out. She did which is shocking and we left. I honestly did not want to go out, I sometimes hate that we are 30 minutes from real stores. So we left and headed to Target only I got distracted when I saw hobby lobby. Nothing makes you feel better than a trip into a new hobby lobby. We picked up a little fabric. I so need to be giving away these camera straps because I am making more than I can use in my lifetime. It was so neat because we even took a few minutes to count out all the change in her wallet on a empty table. We took the time to read the signs. I felt like she got more school than she would have if we would have been home all day. Then we headed across the street to the mall because I heard there was a carousel. We found it and rode the carousel together. Hope was so excited to be able to ride it. While I was in Hobby Lobby I found a gift certificate for Build a Bear so after the carousel. l we went to build a bear for new outfits. I decided to stop by Bath and Body and picked up a few things to give away to friends. I am so thinking I should do give away on my blog. Then we went to lunch which I all she had talked about all morning. We went to Golden Correll. She had a plate of healthy food, then she had chicken and spaghetti and then she had this: ice cream and a cupcake and every known topping she could think of. I have to admit that as I watched her all day I kept thinking of how it would be to have one child and how I love spending time one on one with my children. We then went to Sam s and she got more free samples then she could eat. We are constantly amazed at how much this child loves to eat. After Sam s we came home because well I was exhausted. We came home and she looked at daddy and said OKAY, when is our daddy and me alone time. We decided to go to a play last night. It was about a hour away but so worth it. It was the story of Ruth only based off the 1940 s. We all had a great time. We stopped for dinner on the way. We did not get home until 11:30 but I would do it again in a second. Today we are staying around the house. I think I will work on some sewing projects and getting laundry caught up. I hope everyone else had a wonderful Friday. I ask that you pray for my family during this deployment.