I am feeling a little off this afternoon and cannot figure out why. Maybe it is seeing that another blogger lost her husband in Afghanistan this week. She is 23 years old. Another blogger husband left this morning for Afghanistan and another friends husband leaves tomorrow. I guess I am realizing the time is coming fast. Rob will be gone in less than 4 weeks. We told Michael but have not told the girls. We have been super busy. This week Rob got the riding lawnmower working for me . He was off yesterday and as soon as we woke up I said we have to get out of here. So we went to Wal-mart and I picked up sub sandwiches and then we went to the Vet to get the cat registered for her upcoming surgeries. Then we went to a state park and hiked. It was really neat because they have a indoor animal exhibit. The hike was nice, we saw more turtles today than I have seen in years. They had a small playground and a place to eat. We will definitely be going back there.
Saturday update: another wonderful day. We stayed around the house. I made the faith cake and the rainbow cake from I AM BAKER. I am taking them to church, straightened the kitchen a hundred times. I also made 5 more camera strap covers. I have no idea what I will do with them. Rob got a clothes line hung for me and set up the basket ball hoop in the back yard and even let Michael do some target practicing in the back yard with him.
Oooh, I want to explain some of the pictures. I love how Grace managed to get her daddy and big brother to carry her. We asked her if she was tired and needed a nap. She said I am tired but do not need a nap. Okay now the picture with Rob bending over. Faith collects rocks and found what she thinks is the perfect rock ever. So Rob spent several minutes digging it up for her. I do not know what I would do without this man. Okay I am going to stop blogging and getting back to making memories and enjoying the days we have together.