Please click on MckMamma's site today, she is in Kenya on a mission trip and it is heartbreaking and encouraging to read. This week my son did not look at a table full of new friends and tell them that to him music sounds like cats dying after they just said music is there lives. He would not do that because I have definitely taught him better.
When the pastor said someone slipped on a grape after church last week I was not concerned it could have been a grape my children dropped because I know I would have cleaned it up.
This week we had snow and because I was enjoying the kids being outside I most definitely did not threaten them with school if they came in. I would never do this.
This week when making my husband a pioneer women recipe I did not read the recipe wrong and think It said cook the garlic for 45 minutes instead of 45 minutes. I was not totally screaming about this in my head.
Our alarm has not gone off several nights this week because we have not learned to use it, after two weeks we surely learned how to work the alarm.