OOOOH, these were easy. Today is a double recipe day. First is the egg in a hole from Pioneer women.So easy. I did toast the bread on the stove before adding the egg. I also used my homemade wheat bread. I am not listing the recipe for egg in a hole because I want you to check out Pioneer womans site. But I am giving you my honey wheat bread recipe.It is actually a kitchen aid recipe.
preheat oven to 375
1 1/2 cups water, 1/2 cup honey, 1/3 cup butter, pour into pan and heat until 120-130 degrees, this is very important step.
mix 2.5 cups white bread flour and 2.5 cups wheat flour to 1 cups quick oats, 2tsp salt, 5 tsp yeast (a little more than the recipe calls for)
add wet ingredients to dry ingredients
add 2 eggs
place dough in greased bowl and let rise for one hour
divide in half and let rise in loaf pans for another hour
bake for 40 minutes