1. What is Marmite?
Marmite is dark brown-colored savory spread made from the yeast that is a by-product of the brewing industry. It has a very strong, slightly salty flavor. It is definitely a love-it-or-hate-it type of food.
It comes in small (2-5 inches high) bulb-shaped glass jars with a distinctive yellow lid.
Children in Britain are generally fed it from the time they are weaned, and most never grow out of it. It has a high B-vitamin content, as well as riboflavin and niacin—and as such is very healthy. (The vitamin-B complex helps prevent a 2. What do I do with it?
The most common use is as a spread on toast or in sandwiches. Note: it is generally spread very thinly because of its strong flavor—don't use it like jam. It has drug-like qualities; the more you eat, the thicker you need to spread it to get the same mouth-burning effect. Some people have even called it addictive.
It is also delicious spread on hot buttered crumpets or ryvita crackers. A pregnant fan has reported a love for Marmite and bananas.
Phil Johnson's favorite way to eat it is thinly-spread on rye toast with slices of sharp cheddar cheese. Very satisfying.
One contributor to the "I love Marmite" Web site has this suggestion: "Eat it on raw spaghetti. It's true! Dip raw spaghetti in Marmite and then eat; it tastes just like Twiglets."
A lot of Brits have it on buttered toast. Do take care not to get butter or bread crumbs in the Marmite jar. It makes an unappetizing mess for the next person.
There is no feeling like the smugness you feel when you manage to scrape just enough Marmite from the jar for another piece of toast. Top tip (from James Kew): pour boiling water into a near-empty jar and drink the jar clean.
A teaspoon of Marmite can also be added to soups, casseroles, and almost any savory food for a wonderful, rich flavoring.
In England, pretzel-like morsels and other boxed fast-food snacks are available with Marmite flavoring. Fans of Mr. Bean will remember an episode where he made hors d'oeuvres for a party by spreading Marmite on twigs cut from a tree outside his kitchen window.
In some neighborhoods it is (apparently!) common for nursing mothers to dab a little on their nipples before feeding their infants.
3. What are the ingredients?
Marmite is made from (greater quantity first):
• Yeast Extract
• Salt
• Vegetable Extract
• Vitamin: Niacin
• Spices
• Vitamins: B1, B2, Folic Acid, B12